Public Elected Official / Legislator of the Year Award(s)


Elected officials make decisions about a broad range of issues that, when enacted into law, represent the collective values of our society. Of particular interest to the Idaho social work profession are policies that affect social justice, health care, education, civil and human rights, and social work practice. In recognition of the responsibilities and challenges of public service, NASW-ID established an annual award to recognize the outstanding service and contributions of an elected Idaho official. Special consideration is given to social workers elected to Idaho public office.

The award recipient must:
  •     Be an Idaho elected official serving in good standing at the time of nomination
  •     Make a significant contribution to Idaho public service while in office
  •     Demonstrate leadership on behalf of the protection and advancement of social work practice
  •     Exemplify social work values and ethics

NASW Idaho Chapter members, individuals and social welfare organizations may nominate an elected official by submitting the following:
  •     Complete nomination information (listed below) e-mailed to: 
  •     One-page summary that describes:
  •         -  Nature of leadership demonstrated on issues of concern to the social work profession and to the public
            -  Short and long term effect of their leadership
            -  How the social work profession and those served benefited by their service
  •     Curriculum vita
  •     Three (3) letters of support including one letter from a NASW-ID Board member OR a high rating on the annual Legislators Report Card as prepared by the chapter lobbyist
  •     Written permission to include letters in the awards package
  •     Recent photo (jpeg format) 

To ensure the nominee’s eligibility, please adhere to the nomination guidelines. Use clear, concise, descriptive examples of activities and accomplishments. The nomination packet must include the summary sheet, support letters, vita and photo. Incomplete packages will not be accepted. The Idaho Political Action for Candidate Elections Committee selects and approves the award recipient(s).